Unlock the Power of Email: Why Most Dealerships Are Doing It Wrong!

Aug 18, 2024 | News and Information

Unlock the Power of Email: Why Most Dealerships Are Doing It Wrong!

Email marketing is often the unsung hero in a dealership’s marketing strategy. Many dealerships recognize its importance but don’t quite hit the mark. As an email marketing expert, I’ve seen firsthand how effective email can be when done correctly, and how costly the common mistakes can be. Let’s explore why so many dealerships get it wrong and how you can unlock the true potential of your email marketing.

The Power of Email Marketing

Email marketing offers remarkable returns on investment. According to HubSpot, businesses can expect an average ROI of $36 for every $1 spent. This impressive return highlights email marketing’s potential to significantly impact your bottom line. Beyond the numbers, email marketing provides a unique opportunity to connect directly with your customers. It’s a personal and direct communication channel that helps build strong, lasting relationships. Imagine reaching your customers with tailored messages right in their inbox—that’s the true power of email marketing.

Common Mistakes Dealerships Make

Generic Email Blasts

A major blunder is sending out generic emails to everyone on your list. It’s akin to offering a high-end sports car to a family with young kids. I’ve seen dealerships struggle with low engagement because their messages don’t resonate with their audience. To avoid this, tailor your emails to address the specific needs and interests of different customer segments.

Lack of Personalization

Another frequent error is the lack of personalization. I recall working with a dealership that used “Dear Valued Customer” in all their communications. It felt impersonal and disconnected. Even small touches like using a customer’s name or referencing their previous purchases can significantly enhance engagement. Personalization helps make your emails feel relevant and valued.

Ignoring Mobile Optimization

With the majority of emails being read on mobile devices, optimizing for mobile is crucial. Many beautifully designed emails fail because they’re not mobile-friendly. Ensure your emails are responsive by using large fonts, easily clickable buttons, and images that scale correctly. Test your emails on various devices to ensure they look good and function properly everywhere.

Overlooking Segmentation

Segmentation is key to effective email marketing. Sending the same message to a first-time buyer and a long-time customer misses the mark. Instead, divide your email list into segments based on criteria like purchase history, browsing behavior, or geographic location. This allows you to craft more relevant messages that resonate with each group, leading to higher engagement and better results.

Inconsistent Sending Schedules

Consistency in your email schedule helps maintain customer engagement. Sporadic email blasts can lead to your dealership being forgotten. Develop a regular sending schedule so customers know when to expect your emails. Consistency helps build trust and keeps your dealership top of mind.

How to Do Email Marketing Right

Segment Your Audience

Begin by segmenting your audience based on basic factors like age, location, or purchase history. As you refine your approach, consider more detailed segmentation like customer interests or recent interactions. This allows you to send highly targeted messages that speak directly to each segment’s needs and preferences.

Personalize Your Messages

Personalization is more than just using a customer’s name. Reference past interactions, suggest models based on their browsing history, or offer special deals related to their interests. The goal is to make each email feel like it’s tailored specifically for the recipient, which can significantly boost engagement and conversion rates.

Craft Compelling Subject Lines

Your subject line is your first impression—make it count. Engaging subject lines that create curiosity or a sense of urgency can drive higher open rates. For example, “Unlock Exclusive Deals This Week!” or “Your Perfect Car Awaits—Find Out More!” can grab attention and entice recipients to open the email.

Optimize for Mobile

Mobile optimization is essential. Use concise language, large, readable fonts, and responsive images. Break up the text with subheadings and bullet points to make it easy to skim. Always test your emails on various devices before sending to avoid issues and ensure a smooth user experience.

Automate and Trigger Emails

Automation helps maintain timely and relevant communication. Set up automated emails for triggers like new sign-ups, abandoned carts, or service reminders. These emails are effective because they’re sent based on specific customer actions or behaviors. For example, a “We Miss You!” email to a customer who hasn’t visited recently can encourage them to return.

Measuring Success

Track Key Metrics

To gauge the effectiveness of your email campaigns, monitor key metrics such as open rates, click-through rates, conversion rates, and unsubscribe rates. Each metric provides insight into different aspects of your campaign’s performance. For instance, a high open rate with a low click-through rate might indicate a compelling subject line but less engaging content.

A/B Testing

A/B testing is crucial for optimizing your email campaigns. Experiment with different subject lines, images, or calls-to-action to see what resonates best with your audience. For example, testing two subject lines like “Summer Sale: Save Big Now!” versus “Hot Summer Deals Inside—Don’t Miss Out!” can help identify which approach drives more engagement.


Email marketing can be a powerful tool for dealerships if executed correctly. Avoid common pitfalls like sending generic emails, lacking personalization, and ignoring mobile optimization. Instead, focus on segmentation, consistency, and effective measurement. With the right approach, you can harness the full potential of email marketing and see significant improvements in engagement and sales.

Final Thoughts: Stay Ahead of the Curve

The digital marketing landscape is always evolving, and email is no exception. Keep testing, learning, and improving. For more insights into email marketing best practices, check out this HubSpot guide to stay ahead of the curve.